Paris For Dreamers


Retrospective of recent events, we find it truly befitting to share an interview with Katrina Lawrence, author is “Paris for Dreamers”. Maybe right now might not be the best time to travel, but there will always be Paris waiting for you and we wanted to share Katrina’s love for the city to educate, inspire and keep our longing for Paris alive...

FW: Why Paris? And when did your love for Paris begin?  

KL: My parents took me to Paris for the first time when I was five, and while I don’t of course recall every detail, I do vividly remember the feeling of being in a kind of fairyland. It was Christmas time and everything seemed to sparkle, with glittering bud lights everywhere — even in the shape of a Christmas tree up on the Eiffel Tower. It really was the City of Light! I ended up holidaying in France, and Paris, with my family quite a lot over the years, and eventually I started to go on my own, usually every year; I’d work and save like crazy, and then treat myself with a few weeks in Paris. So the city has, in a way, come to represent a lovely reward for myself. I think that’s because Paris has a wonderful way of reminding you about the joy of life, about reveling in the little pleasures. I also find its soft colours soothing to the senses, and its overall beauty a balm for the spirits. I always return from Paris feeling calm and content — it’s like my soul fix!

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FW: We read that you took a year off the write a book, what brought upon that decision?  

KL: During my many years in media, I always wanted to write a book, but it kept getting bumped down the to-do list as life became busier. But when a couple of contract jobs abruptly came to an end, I found myself with some time on my hands. Plus, I finally knew what I wanted to write about, thanks to a conversation I’d had with fellow journalists on a press trip to Paris. I had enough savings to justify taking a few months off to get a few chapters written … and I never stopped! Paris Dreaming was published about eighteen months later.

FW: Many people these days due to perhaps pressures of social media or just their own work life balance would love to take time off to write a book or travel or start a business - what’s your advise based on your own journey?  

KL: Little kills creativity like financial stress, so having a buffer of savings is key — enough to cover a basic salary for yourself (and your bills) for the time you think you’ll need to get your book or project going. (You might also need money for website development, PR etc …). And then you just need to look at your project as a job. Be disciplined and professional. Don’t work in your pajamas! Have a long-term goal, and write lots of lists to work diligently towards the short-term goals along the way. I highly recommend reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic — it’s great motivation for launching a creative venture.

FW: Paris for Dreamers explores walking paths worth exploring, what made you choose that subject as the theme of your book?  

KL: I’m obsessed with walking around Paris. I stress if I have to take the metro, wondering about what I’m missing out on up above! I love stopping to look at every building, wondering about its history and former residents. Over time, I’ve researched many Parisian streets and addresses, and have formulated my own favourite walks, usually based on what they tell me about a certain aspect of Paris — its history or people or culture … I wrote Paris for Dreamers to guide other Paris lovers through these walks — walks that are not simply strolls around set areas, but wanderings that tells stories, too. I also wrote Paris for Dreamers to launch, which sells Personalised Tips, as well as offering up all sorts of information and inspiration for a dream Paris holiday.

FW: Paris Dreaming, Paris for Dreamers - what’s next ?  
I’d love to write another book or two … I also want to extend my Paris for Dreamers offerings, but I have put some plans on temporary hold due to the COVID-19 crisis. Stay tuned!

FW: As someone who has a connection to Paris myself, can there ever be enough Paris?

Would you or could you fall in love with another city with the same tenacity ?  

KL: I feel as though everyone has a spiritual city, a second home. If you’re a Paris kind of a woman, there can probably only ever be Paris! But I have certainly met other women who feel a pull towards, say, Manhattan or Bali or London as we do towards Paris … Perhaps it’s a sign of a former life, if you believe in that … I think if you’re the type of person who tends to holiday somewhere on repeat, it’s because there’s something about that destination that speaks to you on a deep level, that enriches your life, your everyday reality. We can’t all move to the other side of the world, but we can get our fix as often as possible, and pretend for a while that we’re locals. And then we can pick up parts of that culture to take back home with us, to keep us going until we can get back to our happy place again! So in this sense I can especially understand someone who might feel a magnetic draw to Italy, Rome, Florence, Venice … because these are cities so layered in richness, like Paris, and that you can easily immerse yourself in, and that never seem to get old.

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FW: A final question that may not be conventional, but how do you balance a love for passion and the reality of life : bills, expenses, family, work... how can one find time and resources for all?  

KL: Ha, good question! My poor credit cards are always taking a beating. But I decided many years ago that Paris would be a priority in my life. So I don’t spend crazy money on, say, shoes or bags. And our poor house is a bit of a shambles. But I find so much more joy in experiences, in travel, that this puts everything else in perspective. As for the issue of time management … I just fit in a trip when I can, when it synchronises with school holidays and when the grandparents are able to babysit … and I don’t go away for long, but long enough to feel refreshed, and me again. My boys know that I need to travel, that it makes me a happier person, and therefore a better parent. Oh, and they also love the gifts I bring home for them!

FW: Thank you Katrina for sharing the beautiful pockets of your world. The pleasure has truly been ours and next time we visit Paris, we are sure to follow your routes -

….Prayers to all suffering from the effects of COVID-19, may they all have a speedy recovery and may we all travel soon to the one, the only….Paris.